Regency Dance Lessons

Have a Ball as you watch and learn Regency dancing. It is easy and simple. It is quickly learned and laughter will be a large part of your learning experience.

Our caller, will show you how its done! No dance experience or partners required. You may dress in regency or modern attire, just be comfortable.

Dance Mistress Nikki Herbst will lead a workshop and a Regency Ball to introduce festival attendees to the dancing that Jane Austen enjoyed during her lifetime. As participants know, Ms. Austen gave us many beloved heroines who loved to dance at balls and private dances. Nikki will teach all the figures and guide everyone with sense and sensibility! The dances at the Ball will be some those that Jane may likely have danced herself. Have you never danced, or are you a beginner? Never fear: Nikki wants most of all to bring the joy, art, and human cooperation of dance to all who enter the hall, so do come along and join in.

Regency Dance Class

Presented by Nikki Herbst

Your Dance Mistress has been active as a dancer, dance leader, dance organizer, and dance book editor for most of her life and invites you to have a look at her website,, for details.

Saturday, February 10th

2:00 – 4:00 pm

Price: #25

Limited to 60 people

Location: First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall