Rachel Dodge – Regency Etiquette in Jane Austen’s Novels

Presented by Rachel Dodge
Rachel Dodge is the bestselling author of The Anne of Green Gables Devotional, The Little Women Devotional, and Praying with Jane: 31 Days Through the Prayers of Jane Austen. Her newest book is The Secret Garden Devotional! Rachel’s experience includes teaching college English courses, speaking about Jane Austen at libraries, book clubs, and JASNA regional groups, and writing for the ever-popular Jane Austen’s World blog. Rachel is a long-time member of JASNA and a founding member of the JASNA Greater Sacramento regional group. She has served on the JASNA Churches Committee since 2019 and has taken several research trips to the Austen family sites in England. One of her greatest joys was signing copies of Praying with Jane at Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton, England in 2019. A true kindred spirit at heart, Rachel loves books, bonnets, and ball gowns. You can find her online at RachelDodge.com or on Instagram @KindredSpiritBooks.
Day: Saturday, February 8th
Time: 4:30-5:30
Price: Free with registration
Location: Mount Dora Community Building Auditorium
Community Building Auditorium