Regency Masquerade Ball
Our Third Ball will be a bit of a change of pace…it’s a Masquerade Ball! So dust off the costume in the trunk and blow off the dirt on your mask and join us for fun and lots of laughter. Masquerade Balls were sometimes public but often times were private. In 1810 a Benefit Masque was advertised where the monies went to an individual, sometimes actors would supplement their income in this way. Some of the costumes of the day included; maids, sultanas, shepherdesses, chimney sweepers, harlequins, devils, cleopatra, the Queen, etc…got your imagination working? Often people kept trying to guess who each other were. A prize will be given for best costume. You can come in costume or not. But do come! Hors d’oeuvres an a glass of wine will be served.
Nikki Herbst Caller
Saturday, February 10th
8:00 – 10:00 pm
Price: $79.00
Location: Montessori School at Roseborough
Montessori School at Roseborough